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Sizzling Waffles: Cast Iron on the Campfire

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Camping doesn’t have to be just throwing a pan on the fire. Can you think of anything better than lying in the shade after a marathon of a walk, with stars above and waffles begging to your nose? It doesn’t get better. You can make that a reality with the use of stovetop cast iron waffle maker.

The first time I decided to do the waffles over the fire, it seemed like about as crazy as juggling pigs. Honestly, was this ancient contraption actually capable of producing golden squares of the perfect size? Spoiler alert-it does. In style.

First of all, you want to pick the right waffle maker. The best buddies for you are cast iron wafflers. They are resistant to Viking raids and will see you through to your senior years. These brick-like devices are rugged and heat-conductive; this is what campfire chefs use when they want to cook up crispy, fluffy meals.

Rome Industries makes stuff with old-school appeal. They’ve been making waffle irons since well before color television was a thing. The beauty of the waffle iron is in its simplicity. Fewer parts mean less stuff lost in the woods! Though the hinge is robust, it ensures that your waffles will cook evenly. They will not look like they’ve been tussled with by a raccoon.
Pie iron models are available as well. They just never seem to age. It’s designed with a clamshell and long handles that keep your digits away from the roaring flames. Rome Industries, among others, makes these for those who fear heat.

Now you can enjoy the adventure of using these works of iron art. You can use heat management to your advantage, but it can also play a role in your game. The best is cooking over the smoldering charcoals-just like your grandma’s steady embrace, never too hot or too cool. You don’t have to make them waffles wildfire hot, or they’ll become coal.

And when you cook outdoors, it is not about thermometers and lasers. Get in touch with your caveman. As my friend, who never misses breakfast, once said, “It is like dancing with the bear — you facilitate, not force.” Rotate. Flip. Keep checking. For the love of God, use a mitt or towel. Your fingers will thank you.

I’ll tell you a story. First time ever I made waffles over a fire, I get cocky. I pour more batter onto the casserole dish than Aunt Polly can handle. Okay, what happens? It overflows like Niagara Freakin’ Falls on dough day. What’s the lesson here? Less is more. Fill each side only to halfway.

Sprays that block sticking-we’ve seen these before. Still, there is no substitute for priming those wheels with an oily rag first. Time to break out the old thing your grandpappy used on his wagon wheels. Rub down the interiors of the muffin tin before pouring in the batter. What do you get? Waffles come out easier than Sunday gravy.

And what when you’re done? You can put some berries on top of that pancake if you feel fancy or just syrup if you’re a slob. Even add some peanut butter to it for that nutty taste.

You can still find other cast iron champions. Opt for brands offering heft, warmth, and ease of use. If you are craving anything other than beef jerky, you will only find those to be your best friends in the wild.
Cast iron waffle makers can nourish your body and even your soul. Whod have thought of any gadget providing you with peace of mind? Pack one for your next trip. Waffle your way to happiness. Isnt the first meal the most important meal of the whole day? So I was told